Audit logs in Neat Pulse

Last updated December 12, 2024

Audit logs are used for monitoring the actions taken within Neat Pulse. The Audit log page allows the logs to be filtered either by ‘User Action’ or by ‘Device Change’. The ‘Export logs’ button will download a .csv containing the full log.

Important note: this feature is only available to customers on a paid Neat Pulse plan.

Types of Audit logs

DeviceDevice config changed An alteration to the device settings for a room.
DeviceDevice enrolledA device has been enrolled to a room.
User  Device removedA device has been removed from a room.
UserLocation created
UserLocated deleted
UserLocation updated 
User Profile assignedA room has been assigned to a profile.
UserProfile created
UserProfile updated
UserRegion created
UserRemote control startedA remote control session has been started with a specified device within a specified room.
User Room created
UserRoom deleted
UserRoom snapshot updatedThe snapshot picture of a room has been 
UserRoom updated
UserUser created
UserUser deleted
UserUser role changed
Device Audit logs export requested
DeviceDevice config updated
DeviceDevice enrollment code generated
DeviceDevice logs requested
DeviceDevice reboot requested
DeviceDevice updated
DeviceProfile unassigned 
OrgRegion deleted
DeviceRoom note created
DeviceRoom note deleted
UserUser invited
UserUser invite redeemed