Neat Pulse Control version release notes

Last updated on July 16, 2024

Current Version: 1-21


  • (API) Added a Bulk sensor data API request, this request allows for customers to get endpoint sensor data at a high frequency


  • Add a Remote Control tooltip on the Devices modal when a device allows Remote Control

Fixed bugs

  • Offline devices appear as offline much more quickly in Pulse after they have been disconnected.
  • Correction to the Organization avatar image sizing on the aside panel

How to check if you have the new build

The version of Neat Pulse Control running on your browser can be found at the bottom right of the menu that is opened after clicking on the menu icon in the top right.

Once the menu is open, the version number will be listed in the bottom right.

Previous version history

Version 1-19

Release date: Full roll-out on July 15, 2024


  • Added periodic refresh to Pulse maintenance page
  • Tooltips are now displayed correctly at the top left corner of room stats containers in the Devices Modal, Room view.

Fixed bugs

  • Move devices such as Neat Centers to the same room as their lead device

Version 1-18

Release date: Full roll-out on May 23, 2024


  • The maximum character limit for passwords is now 20 characters
  • It is now possible to export a .csv file of selected devices from the Devices page. This can be done from the Device Action ellipsis button in the device or room modals and the device selection ribbon


  • Organisation IDs can now be copied from the Settings page
  • Row is now clickable on accordion menu in Settings to open the menu rather than just the button
  • Device settings view – App description text no longer runs into toggle
  • New icon for Remote Control on the Device modal

Fixed bugs:

  • Users can no longer duplicate rooms by multiple clicking the ‘Continue’ button

Version: 1-17

Release date: Full roll-out on May 9, 2024

Version: 1-16

Release date: Full roll-out on May 3, 2024


  • Enhancements to system performance and stability by improving how the database handles user roles
  • Remove Beta banner from the Pulse API documentation page
  • The User Invite form will now handle and throw errors if an invalid email address is supplied

Version 1-15

Release date: Full roll-out on April 10, 2024


  • App updates are now shown on the endpoint hover tooltip
  • Device name is now always shown on the room modal tooltip
  • It is now possible to filter by ‘No Profile’ in the Device Filter settings
  • Improvement to API documentation page by improving layout and readability

Version: 1-14


  • The Pulse homepage menu is now expanded by default on sign-in
  • For Multi Organization users, the Organizations Splash page now includes a search field
  • Norwegian and Swedish languages are now available to select from the Device Time and Language settings
  • Tooltips for Profile names are now available from the select Profile dropdowns
  • Unused WiFi headings are now hidden the network details section of the Device card for the Neat Center

Version 1-13


  • It is now possible to search for devices using their MAC addresses on the Devices page
  • It is now possible to upload a square PNG or JPEG avatar image with a max size of 5MB in the Settings page of an Organization.
  • Background changes for improved Pulse stability

Version 1-12


  • Altered the ‘Update firmware’ Device modal responsible for handling device updates for the Bar and Pad. This is now called ‘Update’, the wording on the description has been adjusted
  • Device states – Space / Room View is updated for the Device statuses, these are now centered.
  • Further improvements to the stability of upgrades for Teams

Version 1-11


  • There is now a scrollbar on the associated list of devices while drilling in to a settings Profile
  • Keep Screen on toggle has been removed from the Bar and Bar Pro in Pulse
  • Improved accuracy of Sensor data in the Rooms modal of the Devices page
  • Changed “Last online” time to reflect the time that a device was last disconnected from Neat Pulse rather than the time the last connection started.

Resolved issues

  • PC-45: Previously, Neat center devices would not correctly show as paired in Pulse when paired on the Neat level with a Neat Board. This issue has been resolved in this release.
  • PC-46: Previously, it was possible to receive inaccurate API call error codes in Neat Pulse. This issue has been resolved in this release.
  • PC-47: Previously, it was possible to see incorrect audit entries when a device was enrolled to a room without a location. This issue has been resolved in this release.

Version 1-10


  • The ‘About analytics and privacy’ link in Settings is fixed
  • ‘Share device analytics with Neat’ toggle is hidden
  • Information regarding updates added to tooltip on Room modal
  • Locations are listed alphabetically in Settings
  • Improvements to the accuracy of auditing endpoint reboots
  • Replace the ‘Update even when device is in use’ checkbox with a warning message
  • Add display preference & voice isolation on Bar & Board
  • Firmware update channel modal UI changes
  • Network details for devices persist on the Devices modal after a device has gone offline
  • Fixed card sizes on the Profiles page
  • Display VOC as ppb, not ppm on the Room modal in Devices
  • Organisation Avatar is now more visible on the Settings Page
  • Remove ‘Keep Screen On’ setting from all devices except Frames and Boards

Resolved issues

  • PC-35: Previously, devices would not show up in a setting profile when no location is assigned to the room that they are enrolled in. This issue has been resolved in this release.
  • PC-41: Previously, menus on Safari might not be dismissed correctly after clicking elsewhere on the page. This issue has been resolved in this release.
  • PC-42: Previously, the logged in user would have a slightly smaller avatar icon on the Users page than the other users. This issue has been resolved in this release.

Version 1-9


  • Minor adjustment to the wording of the Rooms/Settings pages when there are no Locations configured
  • Frames with the camera shutter closed will now show that occupancy data isn’t available in the Room view
  • Removed unused network configuration buttons from the Devices Page
  • Upgrade button on the Device Actions menu (which drops down when selecting a room) is greyed out unless there is an upgrade available for a device within the selection
  • Paired devices will now only show a single footer containing the Profile and Primary App used when viewing the Room modal
  • Improvements to the stability of the Neat Firmware upgrade process
  • Improvements to the stability of the Invite User process
  • The Multi Organization splash page now displays the number of devices enrolled in each organization that a user is a member
  • KNOWN ISSUE – There may be cases where the number of devices shown for an Organization is 0. This will be resolved once all Orgs in Pulse are upgraded to 1.8.

Version 1-8


  • This version contains minor updates and back-end changes to improve the performance of Neat Pulse.

Resolved issues

  • PC-33: Previously, it was possible for a stale cache in Neat Pulse to cause incorrect reporting on sensor data such as occupancy count. This issue has been resolved in this release.

Version 1-7


  • It is now possible to delete a location from an Organization with rooms assigned after pressing the delete icon and confirming in a dialog box.
  • Paired devices such as Bars will display the model names as part of remote control requests
  • Updated the information sent to the Support team through Send Feedback to include more information.
  • The following device-specific options have been moved into the Device Settings menu; ‘Teams Bluetooth’, ‘BYOD mode’
  • Unpaired Pads are no longer shown as unpaired in the UI when there is a valid reason.
  • The EULA no longer loads automatically on first login, but is available to view via a web link on redeeming an invite to Pulse
  • The filter panel will open automatically when navigating to the devices enrolled to a location through the Settings Page
  • Teams/Zoom version numbers are now visible even if there is no update available
  • Upgrades are now blocked as part of the Out of the Box setup workflow

Resolved issues

  • PC-24: Incorrect display for paginated webpages if a larger number of rows per page were selected when there were not enough rows remaining to display.
  • PC-25: ‘There has been an undetected error’ message when users first sign into Pulse.
  • PC-26: Tiles in Profiles could extend beyond boundaries if long words were used.
  • PC-27: Regions did not truncate correctly when adding Regions to Admin user permissions.
  • PC-28: Text string wrapping on the ‘Sign Back In’ button

Version 1-5


  • The second modal when creating a new Room (Add Device) has been streamlined – there is no no longer a modal that just provides the enrollment code alone
  • Send Feedback and EULA acceptance events are now audited
  • Additional Device information available on Device Settings modal
  • “This link is valid for 24 hours.” text has been removed from the invite email
  • “Keep screen on” has moved to be next to “Screen standby” in the Device Settings modal
  • Keep Screen On toggle is now available for Boards
  • ‘Board 50’ are now named as such and no longer appear as ‘Board 2’ in Pulse
  • A user’s Display Name is now used for Auditing when a user redeems their invite
  • Display Name is now a mandatory field on sign-up
  • Mouse scrolling has been removed from Remote Control and has been replaced by click+drag scrolling

Resolved issues

  • PC-23: Empty Remote control button tooltip on Devices modal

Version 1-4


  • Locations dropdown on Room view is now searchable
  • User logins are now audited
  • It is possible to filter by “No location and “No region” on the Devices page
  • EULA added when invited users first login to an Organisation
  • Updated Notes colour coding on the Device modal to be consistent with the rest of Pulse
  • Updated Filter button colour coding behaviour to be consistent with the rest of Pulse
  • ‘Send Feedback’ is now named ‘Submit logs’ on the Device drop-down menu
  • The number of enrolled devices is now listed on the Room modal
  • Details of the Organisation name, User and amount of time before the automatic Remote Control of a device are now sent as part of the remote control request.
  • Temporarily removed the Teams Bluetooth option from Profile under the Settings group. Moved the ‘Keep Screen On’ option to be underneath ‘Screen Standby’
  • The Sign-in page now has the ‘Get Pulse’ link available

Resolved issues

  • PC-16: Incorrect ‘Failed to retrieve user’ errors when redeeming Invites
  • PC-17: Issues when swapping between Device and User filter types on the Audit Logs
  • PC-18: Incorrect error messages for uninvited user access into Pulse
  • PC-19: Regions can be deleted when Locations are associated with it
  • PC-20: Issues using drag functionality during Remote control
  • PC-21: Devices may unexpectedly un-enroll from Neat Pulse
  • PC-22: Incorrect behavior for location dropdown menu on the Add Device page for admin users

Version 1-3-23

Resolved issues

  • PC-12: Devices can lose their connection state to Neat Pulse Control and need to be re-enrolled.

Version 1-3-21


  • Remote control notification now shows the name of the administrator requesting remote control
  • Remote control now supports scrolling and “click and drag” and “click and hold” gestures
  • Users who are in multiple organizations/tenants have a new view of these organizations

Resolved issues

  • PC-2: Wait times over 30s for email prompts to open after selecting the “Send feedback” option
  • PC-3: Devices already running Neat firmware version 20230504 or later need to be rebooted before the remote control feature can be used for the first time

Version 1-2-30b


  • Options to configure NTP server and BYOD mode in device settings
  • New “Send feedback” feature
  • Bug fixes and general improvements to responsiveness

Version 1-3-0


  • Remote control for paired devices
  • Additional Auditing
  • Warning when endpoint settings do not match what is in its profile
  • Option to configure automatic upgrades in the device settings
  • Other bug fixes and cosmetic improvements

Getting help from Neat

We encourage you to visit our support website and view new articles, FAQs, how-to  and troubleshooting guides which are being regularly added there. Please search the following page to find answers to your common questions or problems:

If you encounter an issue with your Neat device, please email: and one of our technical support engineers will reach out to you.

Note: Neat provides support on Neat devices running current released software, or running software from the previous release. For more information on our support policy, please see the article ‘Neat’s technical support policy’.

IMPORTANT: Please see our privacy policy at