User management on Neat Pulse Control


User management on Pulse is designed to be flexible, allowing customers to add users from outside of their organisation, such as their partners, to help manage their endpoints and organisation settings.

This article will explain the following topics:

  • User Types
  • How to create a User
  • Users in multiple organizations

User Types

There are two user types in Neat Pulse Control:

  • Owner: Owners have access to all settings in the organization. There can be multiple owners by organization.
  • Admin: Access for admins is restricted to specific regions. Admins can only administer endpoints within these regions & cannot edit profiles. They cannot add users or edit organization settings.

How to create a User

  • Step 1: Login to your organization’s Neat Pulse Control portal through
  • Step 2: From the left hand menu, choose Users tab.
  • Step 3: Enter the email address of the new user into the Invite form. Select a ‘User Role’ (Owner/Admin) and a ‘Region/Location’ (if more than one is configured in Settings). Press ‘Invite’.
  • Step 4: An automated email will now be sent to the recipient’s email inbox.
  • Step 5: The user will now need to click on ‘Accept invite’ link and they will be redirected to the Neat Pulse Control login page. From here, they will need to set their password and display name.
  • Step 6: After the user has been added, their user permissions can be altered (example below shows an Admin user’s location setting can be changed).

Users in Multiple Organisations

There is no limit to the number of organizations a user can be added to in Pulse Control. Users who are in multiple organisations will be able to navigate between these organizations using the same credentials. To view the list of organizations, click on the current organization name from the left-hand menu.

In the example below, clicking on ‘Neat – Support org‘ takes the user to the Organization view where they are able to view the two organizations they are member of on Pulse Control (e.g. Neat – Support org and Neat Pulse – PS).

Users can have different privileges in each organisation they are in, which means customers can add users from outside their organisation as users of any type.